How to think about career ideas

Sat, 11/29/2014 - 07:39 -- jefferson
Reflecting on a career path

Many high school students enter colleges and universities with some idea of what kind of career they want after college. Some know that they will most probably attend law school, for others it's medical school. But what if you're one of those who's not too sure about what you want to do after college? Here are a few tips to get you thinking, but keep in mind that throughout your university years, you may discover many new and joyful pursuits that you hadn't thought possible before.

1. Think about what you love
This one's easy. Are there any particular courses that you really enjoy (because of the teacher/students or the subject matter)? Are there any school activities that you get excited about each time? Try to define exactly what makes you happy and more importantly, what you enjoy doing in any activity.

2. List your strengths and weaknesses
We're all good at some things and not so great at others. But throughout your life, it's important to be aware of your skills, and this exercise can help you identify not just what you have and what you don't have, but what skills you might like to acquire. For instance, if you're not a good public speaker, but love being around people, then perhaps it's an indication that you might want to consider improving that skill over the course of the next few years.

3. Explore careers through internships
If you can, there's nothing like a good summer internship to get an idea of a particular kind of job and industry. If you're able to work part time or intern in the industry of your choice, then great, but even if you intern with a company or in a role that you never considered previously, you'll at least realize what you like or don't like about that particular role or industry. And there is no better teacher than experience.

But remember, even if you are still not sure about your career path, don't worry too much as you will have ample opportunities to explore other disciplines in university and even later on in life.
